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Google Ads and Google Ads Grants


Understanding Google Ads

Google Ads, formerly known as Google AdWords, is an online advertising platform developed by Google. It allows businesses and organizations to create ads that appear on Google’s search engine results pages and across its extensive network of partner websites.

Google Ad Grants for Nonprofits

Google Ad Grants is a program specifically designed to support nonprofit organizations by providing them with free advertising credits to use on the Google Ads platform. Through Ad Grants, eligible nonprofits can access up to $10,000 worth of in-kind advertising per month to promote their missions and initiatives.

Eligibility Criteria for Google Ad Grants

Registered Nonprofit Status

To qualify for Google Ad Grants, organizations must hold valid nonprofit status in their country of operation.

Compliance with Policies

Nonprofits must adhere to Google’s policies regarding acceptable content and website quality to maintain eligibility for the program.

Dedicated Website

Organizations must have a functional website with substantial content relevant to their mission.

What can it do for your nonprofit?


Raise Awareness

Use Google Ads to raise awareness about your organization’s cause, events, or campaigns. Craft compelling ad copy and target relevant keywords to ensure your message reaches people who are likely to support your cause.

Drive Donations

Utilize Google Ads to drive donations by creating campaigns that highlight the impact of contributions and provide clear calls to action directing users to donation pages on your website.

Recruit Volunteers

Attract volunteers by running ads promoting volunteer opportunities within your organization. Target individuals interested in volunteering or relevant keywords related to your cause.

Promote Events

Publicize fundraising events, workshops, or community gatherings through Google Ads. Target local audiences and use ad extensions to provide event details and encourage attendance.

How Google Ads Work



Advertisers bid on specific keywords relevant to their target audience. When users search for those keywords on Google, the advertiser’s ads may appear.

Ad Auction

Google uses an auction system to determine which ads appear on search page results. Factors such as bid amount, ad quality, and relevance contribute to ad placement.

Ad Formats

Google Ads supports various ad formats, including text ads, display ads, video ads, and shopping ads, allowing advertisers to choose the format that best suits their goals.


Advertisers can target their ads based on factors like location, demographics, interests, and browsing behavior, ensuring their message reaches the right audience.

Google Ads and Google Ad Grants offer invaluable resources for nonprofits looking to expand their reach, engage supporters, and achieve their goals. By leveraging these platforms effectively, nonprofits can maximize their impact, attract new donors and volunteers, and ultimately make a difference in their communities and beyond. If you’re a nonprofit organization, don’t miss out on the opportunity to harness the power of online advertising with Google Ads and Google Ad Grants.

We now offer Google Ads and Google Ad grants as a service at Grateful Web Services.
Check out our Google Ads page

Our dedicated Google Ads practitioner has over ten years of experience and is attentive, skilled, and great to work with!

Call or email us today for more info and to get started. 


The Value of Retaining a Website Company

Retaining Grateful Web Services


What is a retainer? A fee paid in advance to someone, to secure or keep their services when required.

It’s Worth Every Penny!

In the fast-paced online business world, your website is often your first impression to potential customers. It’s your digital storefront, your brand’s ambassador, and a critical tool for attracting and engaging your target audience. However, maintaining a high-quality website that delivers results requires ongoing attention, expertise, and resources. This is where retaining a website company proves its worth.

Priority Access

When you retain a website company on retainer, you gain priority access to a company that is experienced and dedicated to your website. Whether you need updates, enhancements, or troubleshooting, you can rest assured knowing that you have a trusted partner on standby, ready to address your needs promptly and efficiently.

Cost-Effective Solutions

While hiring a website company on retainer may seem like an added expense, it can save you money in the long run. You can avoid unexpected expenses and costly emergency repairs by establishing a predictable monthly or annual budget for website maintenance and support.

Proactive Maintenance and Support

One of the most significant benefits of retaining a website company is the proactive maintenance and support we provide. Rather than waiting for issues to arise, we take a proactive approach to monitor your website, identify potential issues,  update plugins, and implement preventative measures to keep it running smoothly. This proactive approach minimizes downtime, reduces the risk of security breaches, and ensures a seamless user experience for your visitors.

Scalability and Flexibility

As your business grows and evolves, so do your website needs. Whether you’re launching a new product, expanding into new markets, or integrating new features, we have the expertise and resources to scale up or down as needed, ensuring that your website remains aligned with your business objectives.

Strategic Partnership

Choosing us as a strategic partnership built on trust, collaboration, and shared goals. We take the time to understand your business, your industry, and your target audience, allowing us to provide personalized recommendations and strategic guidance to help you achieve your objectives. This partnership approach goes beyond technical support, offering valuable insights and expertise to drive your online success.

Peace of Mind

Perhaps the most significant benefit of retaining a website company on retainer is the peace of mind it brings. With a dedicated website services company handling your website maintenance and support, you can focus on what you do best – running your business. You can rest easy knowing that your website is in capable hands, allowing you to devote your time and energy to other critical aspects of your business.

Call or email for more info on our Maintenance packages

More info on what a Retainer means

Maintaining your website


Updating your website

Website maintenance is essential for your business. It cannot be stressed enough that your website is live and out there for all to see all day every day. A neglected and outdated website lowers your ranking in Google and doesn’t help with a positive first impression to potential customers.


One of the most important reasons for website maintenance is to ensure the security of your website. Regular maintenance can help identify and fix security vulnerabilities that can put your website at risk of cyber attacks or hacking attempts.


Regular website maintenance can help ensure your website performs at its best. This includes optimizing page speed, improving website functionality, and fixing broken links and errors.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Regular website maintenance can help improve your website’s search engine rankings by fixing SEO issues, optimizing your website for relevant keywords, and updating your website’s content to ensure it is fresh and relevant.

Customer Experience

A well-maintained website provides a better user experience for your visitors. This includes ensuring that all website features and functionalities are working correctly, and that the website is easy to navigate, loads quickly, and looks visually appealing.


Regular website maintenance can help identify and fix issues before they become more significant problems that require expensive repairs or rebuilding. Investing in regular maintenance is much more cost-effective than fixing significant problems later.

Website maintenance services are essential for ensuring your website’s security, performance, search engine rankings, customer experience, and cost-effectiveness. Regular maintenance can help you identify and fix issues before they become more significant problems, ensuring that your website is functioning at its best and providing a positive user experience for your visitors.

Call or email Us today. We offer several maintenance plans

Business Goals

2024 Business Goals

Business Goals for 2024

As any business owner knows, your commitment to growth, innovation, and excellence is of utmost importance if you want to stay in business.

Financial Objectives

Finances are super important if you want to keep your business afloat. Outline specific financial goals for the year. This could include revenue targets, profit margins, or cost reduction strategies. Be realistic and measurable in your approach.


Do you want to grow? If so, a detailed plan for expanding your market reach should be at the forefront of your growth approach. This may involve entering new geographic regions, targeting a different demographic, or introducing products/services to a broader audience.

Product/Service Development

What might be your improvement plan for your existing products or services? Highlight any new offerings you intend to launch during the year.

Customer Experience Enhancement

Customers are everything! How can you enhance the overall customer experience? This may involve improving customer support, implementing feedback systems, or introducing loyalty programs.

Technology Integration

Your digital presence is incredibly important. We are not saying this just because this is what Grateful Web Services focus is. Being visible online is many times the first impression that your company has. Your business should look professional and sharp. Even if you aren’t online that often, your potential customers are. In addition, explore how you can leverage emerging technologies to streamline operations, improve efficiency, or enhance the customer experience. Consider investments in automation, artificial intelligence, or other relevant technologies.

Sustainability Initiatives

Depending on your business, what is your commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility? What specific initiatives could you implement? Reducing your carbon footprint, implementing eco-friendly practices, or supporting green causes? This is important to consider with how things are going with our planet.

Employee Development and Well-being

If you have employees, treat them well! They are the heartbeat of your company. Happy employees work harder and are more invested in your business. A happy employee will stay and ensure that you don’t have a revolving door. What is in place for your employee development and well-being? This could involve training programs, mentorship initiatives, or improvements to work-life balance. Being valued, appreciated, and heard can go a long way.

Community Engagement

Express your commitment to community involvement. Outline plans for charitable activities, volunteer programs, or partnerships with local organizations. This one can be tough, especially as a sole proprietor but do your best to commit to something this year.

Marketing and Branding

If you have a team, discuss your marketing strategies for the year, including campaigns, social media initiatives, and branding efforts. Consider how you will strengthen your brand presence in the market.

Stay engaged with your business goals this year. This can be hard to do at times with your clients taking center stage but being thoughtful about this throughout the year, can help grow your business.

Give us a call at 916-917-5604 or email us if you want to up your digital game!

Linkedin had an interesting article on Web innovations for 2024. Read the article here

What is a backlink?



A backlink, also known as an inbound link or incoming link, is a link from one website to another website. In other words, when a website links to another website, it creates a backlink for that website.

Backlinks are important for search engine optimization (SEO) because they signal to search engines that other websites consider the content on your website to be valuable and relevant. Search engines such as Google consider backlinks to be a vote of confidence for your website, and websites with a higher number of high-quality backlinks tend to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

However, it’s important to note that not all backlinks are equal. High-quality backlinks come from authoritative websites in your niche and provide value to the user. On the other hand, low-quality backlinks come from spammy, low-quality websites or are unrelated to your website’s niche, and can harm your search engine ranking

Building backlinks, or getting other websites to link to your website, is an important part of any successful SEO strategy. Here are some effective ways to build backlinks:

Create High-Quality Content

Focus on creating high-quality, informative, and engaging content that provides value to your audience. When you create valuable content, other websites are more likely to link to it.

Guest Blogging

Find authoritative blogs in your niche and reach out to them about contributing a guest post. This can help you gain exposure and earn backlinks to your website.

Broken Link Building

Find broken links on authoritative websites in your niche, and reach out to the website owner or webmaster to suggest replacing the broken link with a link to your website’s relevant content.


Find content in your niche that has generated a lot of backlinks and create a more comprehensive or updated version of that content. Reach out to the websites that have linked to the original content and suggest they link to your improved version.

Social Media

Share your content on social media platforms to gain exposure and attract potential backlinks.

Remember, when building backlinks, it’s important to focus on earning high-quality, authoritative links from websites in your niche. Avoid spammy tactics such as buying links or participating in link schemes, as these can hurt your website’s search engine ranking and reputation.

Most important – User Experience

Focus on improving your website’s user experience by ensuring that it’s fast, easy to navigate, and mobile-friendly. A good user experience helps improve engagement and keeps visitors on your site longer.

Promote your content on social media and other platforms to increase visibility and attract more backlinks.

Please check out this very helpful video from Neil Patel



What are Keywords?

Keywords are words or phrases that people use to search for information on search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. In the context of website development, keywords are important for search engine optimization (SEO), which is the process of optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) for specific keywords or phrases.

Tips for using keywords on your website

Research keywords

Use a keyword research tool, such as Google Keyword Planner, to identify relevant keywords and phrases related to your business or website. Choose keywords that are relevant to your website’s content and have a high search volume.

Use keywords in your content

Incorporate your keywords into your website’s content, including your website copy, blog posts, and meta descriptions. But be careful not to overuse them as it can negatively impact your SEO.

Optimize your website structure

Optimize your website structure and organization to make it easier for search engines to crawl and index your content. Use keywords in your website’s URL, title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags.

Use internal and external links

Use internal and external links in your content to help search engines understand the relationships between your pages and to build authority for your website.

Monitor your results

Monitor your website’s performance and search engine rankings using analytics tools, such as Google Analytics, to see how your keywords are performing and to adjust your SEO strategy accordingly.

By incorporating relevant keywords and phrases into your website, you can improve your website’s visibility in search engine results pages and attract more traffic to your website.

Working with a web company you like


Making a good connection

A good connection can have
numerous benefits

Working with people you like is more important than one may realize. Besides easy communication, it will be a more pleasant experience. Working with a company that you are comfortable with, and having access to a person to contact directly, who will be there to help with any of your needed web services is a game changer. Some of our clients have been with us for many years and that is because we made a good connection. Not to mention the good work of course!

Good Communication

When you like the person you’re working with, communication can be so much more effective and efficient. You may be more open to sharing ideas and feedback, which can lead to better collaboration and problem-solving. Many people don’t understand a lot of the technical aspects of their website project and feeling comfortable with their contact will really help them feel much more at ease.

They get back to you

This sounds like the obvious and what people in business should do, but unfortunately, many don’t. Not everyone is conscientious and that has been an advantage to those of us that are. It’s important to be kept in the loop on your project’s progression no matter how large or small it may be. They call you back and respond to your emails quickly. This is really of utmost importance when working with anyone.


When you work with someone you like, you may feel more motivated and engaged in your project. You both will be more willing to go above and beyond to achieve your shared goals. On a side note, as a business, we deliver good service and good work to all of our clients whether we make a deeper connection or not. We treat everyone like they are our only client. 


A web company that you have a good rapport with is more likely to produce even higher-quality work. This is because they will hear you more clearly and will be able to create a product that meets your needs and exceeds your expectations. 

Increased trust

When you enjoy working with a web company, you may develop a higher level of trust in their abilities and expertise. You will feel more confident in their ability to deliver on their promises and to create a website that meets your needs. This is also critical when you have a monthly maintenance relationship since you want them to understand your requests clearly. 

A web company that you like and trust, will provide easy-to-follow project management and timelines. This will give you confidence that they will work hard to ensure that your project is completed on time and within budget.

Long-term relationship

When you find a web company that you like, you can develop a long-term relationship with them. This can lead to a deeper understanding of your business needs and goals and can result in a more effective and efficient web development process for future projects or ongoing maintenance. If anything, web-related comes up, you just need to make one phone call! Ours! 916-917-5604

You can see what some of our clients have to say about Grateful Web Services Here

Any of our clients will be happy to agree that Grateful Web Services gives them great customer support! If you want to reach out for a recommendation, please feel free to get in touch with them.

Our newest website project

Our oldest client
We have delivered three websites over the last twenty-plus years. We also do ongoing maintenance as well as hosting and email support.

Social Media

Social Meia

What is Social Media?

Social media is any kind of online communication platform that allows users to create, share, and exchange information, ideas, and content with others. Social media platforms enable users to interact with each other.

There are many different social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter – X, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc. Each has its own unique features and user base. These platforms have become an integral part of our daily lives, with billions of people around the world using social media to connect with friends and family, share news and information, and discover new products and services.

Digital Marketing

Social media platforms also play an important role in digital marketing. It allows businesses to reach new audiences, build brand awareness, and engage with customers. Social media marketing involves creating and sharing content on social media platforms to achieve marketing goals such as increasing website traffic, generating leads, and driving sales. 

Post as often as you can and minimally once a month.

Content promotion

Social media platforms are great for promoting your website content, whether it’s a blog post, video, or infographic. By sharing your content on social media, you can reach a wider audience and drive traffic to your website.

When someone clicks on a link to your website from a social media platform, it’s considered referral traffic. By sharing links to your website on social media, you can increase referral traffic and attract new visitors.

Social media advertising

Social media advertising is a cost-effective way to drive traffic to your website. By creating targeted ads and promoting them on social media platforms, you can attract new visitors to your website.

Do you need help with your social media? Get in touch and we can discuss your needs. 

Responsive design

Website screen sizes
Responsive Design, also known as
mobile design

Responsive web design is a design approach that allows websites to adapt to different screen sizes and devices, providing an optimal viewing experience for users on desktops, tablets, and smartphones. Every website should be mobile-friendly. Over 55% of website traffic comes from mobile devices. 92.3% of internet users access the internet using a mobile phone or tablet.

Better user experience

With responsive web design, websites are optimized for the device being used, ensuring a seamless and intuitive user experience. This includes easy navigation, legible fonts, and appropriate image sizes, which all contribute to a positive user experience.

The website’s content and design are consistent across all devices. This makes it easier for users to navigate the website, find the information they need, and complete tasks.

Increased mobile traffic

With the increase in mobile browsing, having a responsive website is essential for reaching a wider audience. Responsive web design ensures that your website is accessible to mobile users.

Loading speed

Responsive websites are designed to load quickly on all devices, including mobile phones. This is important because mobile users are often on slower internet connections and may have limited data plans.

Improved search engine rankings

Google prioritizes mobile-friendly websites in its search results, and responsive web design is a key factor in determining mobile-friendliness. A responsive website can improve search engine rankings, leading to more traffic and visibility for your website.

Included with all of our websites

A responsive website eliminates the need to create a separate mobile website, which can be time-consuming and expensive. With responsive web design, you can create one website that works seamlessly across all devices, reducing development costs and maintenance.

With the ever-increasing range of screen sizes and devices available, responsive web design ensures that your website will remain relevant and accessible to users, regardless of the device they are using.

If your website is not mobile-friendly, please contact Grateful Web Services to change that! 


Loading speed

Website speed

Website loading speed has a significant impact on both user experience and search engine rankings.

User experience

Users expect websites to load quickly, and a slow-loading website can lead to a poor user experience. If a website takes too long to load, users may become frustrated and leave the website before it has fully loaded. A fast-loading website, on the other hand, can improve user experience, encourage users to stay on the website longer, and increase engagement. Google says one in four visitors would abandon a website if it takes more than four seconds to load.

Search engine rankings

Website loading speed is one of the many factors that search engines use to determine search rankings.  Google, prioritizes websites that load quickly because they provide a better user experience. A fast-loading website can help improve search engine rankings, which can lead to more traffic and higher visibility for the website.


With the increase in mobile browsing, website loading speed has become even more critical. Mobile users often have slower internet connections than desktop users, and a slow-loading website can be especially frustrating on a mobile device. A fast-loading mobile website can improve the user experience, encourage mobile users to stay on the website longer and improve search engine rankings.

Overall, website loading speed is a critical factor in both user experience and search engine rankings. A fast-loading website can improve user engagement, search engine rankings, and overall website performance, while a slow-loading website can lead to a poor user experience and lower search engine rankings.